Grant 4th Grader Wins Chamber Essay Contest
Grant 4th Grader Wins Chamber Essay Contest
Why I Love Lakewood
By: Landon Metz
I love this small but big community called Lakewood. This is my dream town! My parents moved us
here a few years ago from the eastside because they loved it so much. There are so many things to love
it’s hard to narrow it down!
First, Lakewood is an interesting historical city. There are so many old houses and buildings. It’s
great to see people fixing up their old houses to make them beautiful and charming again. My family is
working on fixing up our house that just turned 101 years old. I like to think about all of the families that
have lived here before us.
Second, Lakewood has an awesome variety of food options. If someone came up and asked me
“What food places are nearby?” I’ll say “I can walk right to the end of my street and find Angelo’s, Taco
Tantos, Sushi, Thai, Barbeque, Eugene’s Kitchen, Frosty’s ice cream and cookies. So many options!” My
favorites are Angelo’s, Taco Tantos, and Frosty’s.
Our location is what gives Lakewood its name! I really like that we are close to the great Lake Erie,
we have a beach nearby and we are close to downtown for all the sporting events. It’s amazing how much
the lake affects our weather! And the view from the Solstice Steps across the lake and back toward
downtown is beautiful.
And last, no other town puts on as many great events as Lakewood, like music and movies in the
park, the 4th of July fireworks, the Spooky Pooch Parade, and the Summer Meltdown. Plus, around
Lakewood there are many amazing murals to see, scooters to borrow, community gardens, and now the
sports lending lockers in Madison Park.
In conclusion, there are so many reasons to love Lakewood. It’s an awesome city with lots of
different kinds of people, great food, great history, great location, and great community activities. What’s not to love!