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Early Childhood Education Program Overview

Did you know that the first 2,000 days of a child’s life are critical for growth and development?  In Lakewood’s Early Childhood program, we aim to make every day count.  We offer various services and enriching options for students ages 3-5.  Non-residents are welcome!


The Early Childhood Education Program has been a successful part of our community since 1990. We aim to pave the way for future success through a strong early foundation.

Our curricula focus on the Essential Domains of School Readiness including  Social and Emotional Development,  Physical Well-being and Motor Development,  Approaches Toward Learning,  Language and Literacy Development, and  Cognition and General Knowledge.

All of the classrooms use:

  • The Creative Curriculum is focused on developing students’ interests and providing a variety of learning opportunities and hands-on experiences.  
  • Second Step for social-emotional learning includes cooperation, collaboration, and communication.
  • Fundations for emerging alphabetic principal and letter/phonics instruction.

Most importantly, students will have fun in preschool!

Who is eligible?
Students must be 3 by September 30 of the school year to attend the 3-year-old program and 4 by September 30 to attend the 4-year-old program.  Children must be potty trained.

If you suspect your child has a developmental delay and may be in need of special education services, please call 216-529-4201 to make a referral.  

Beck Center Partnership

beck logo

All classrooms benefit from a partnership with Beck Center for the Arts that provides licensed music therapists to visit our classrooms. By engaging in music through singing, moving, and playing instruments, students have fun learning about pre-academic subjects while also developing critical motor, cognitive, emotional, and social skills.  Movement to music helps the students develop full body coordination that leads to increased cognitive and motor skills.  Students are also better able to relax and focus (self-regulate) after having the opportunity to move around and dance.  By participating in group music, students also practice sharing, turn taking, team building, and many other lifelong prosocial skills.  A structured plan that is familiar to the students each week encourages positive emotional regulation and a sense of self-confidence and safety in exploring new concepts.